Generally, the Asus router is one of the trending networking devices for game lovers and workaholics. Similarly, to access this gateway, users get the default admin credentials from the manufacturer’s side. After accessing, they are guided to change the security key for their device and network to secure it. However, users occasionally forgot asus router password after changing it.
Besides this, there are two scenarios for the Asus router admin password. Firstly, if the user does not remember the password he/she sets for their network. Secondly, if want to retrieve the asus router account forgot password, use the email method or hex digits. So, if any user wants to know the complete information regarding both queries, then must stay on this page.
What to do if forgot Asus router password of the Asus networking device?
Moreover, it is quite hectic for the users if they forget the networking device’s password. They can’t access and configure their router when they experience the asus router account forgot username and password issues. However, you are now aware of the primary consequences if you skip the security key. Now, we shed light on both scenarios in detail to get rid of this problem, have a closer look beneath:
Forgot Asus router password unconditionally (Hard Reset)
- To begin with, make sure your router is powered on.
- Now, look at the reset button on your networking device.
- Press and hold this button for 5-10 seconds using a paperclip or any similar sharp object.
- After that, release the reset knob when the POWER LED starts flashing blue.
- Wait till the router reboots itself and the LEDs on the router turn on again.
- Finally, your Asus router reverts to its default settings and you have to reconfigure it from scratch.
Quick Note: When you begin with the login or setup process from starting, then use the default username and password to access the router’s admin panel.
Retrieving the Asus gateway password
- First and foremost, ensure your networking device is turned on.
- Next, connect the computer to the Asus router’s network.
- Now, open the web browser and type the web address in the browser bar.
- Hereon, mention the admin details on the login window that appears to you.
- After that, you reach the smart setup wizard for the router.
- Further, go to the Wireless>General>Authentication Method>WPA2 Personal>Edit WPA Pre Shared key field.
- Afterward, mention the strong and unique password here which is between 8 to 63 characters, including numbers, alphabets, etc.
- Now, click on Apply to secure the recent settings.
- At last, you are done with the Asus password retrieving process.
Quick Note: If you access the router from scratch after reset, then use the 64 hex digits. If you leave the password fields blank, then the device will automatically get the password as 00000000 (8 in number) as the default security key.
Bottom Line
All in all, the given information regarding the forgot Asus router password assists you in understanding the different scenarios. Here, you know how to reset the device if you skip the security key, and secondly, retrieve the password by logging in through the web address method. Still need more help? Stay in touch with us!